Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Living Museum 2014 -

This year's Living Museum was very successful. Last Thursday, January 30th, the students from grades 4, 5 and 6 turned the gym into a time machine to teach people about how our characters lived in societies of the past. All of the students were very engaged and clearly learned a great deal of information about their topics.

Each group had a board with information and images of their subjects. As well, students dressed up in character to teach audiences about different time periods.

Participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and our visitors seemed VERY impressed. Our class is already looking forward to next year!

Below you can find a link to Kate Settle's photos of the museum as well as some other photos below.
Kate's Dropbox photos


  1. I really like these pictures.

  2. I had a blast presenting my project with Wyatt to the people that came to our exhibit and I think it was also a great learning experience for next years living museum!

  3. I thought that everyone who came to the living museum really liked it.Everyone came out with smiling faces and a lot of people can't wait for next year!

  4. It was really fun to do the Living Museum because On the Living Museum day everybody in my group wasn't scared when all of the people came into the Living Museum and I think everybody had a blast including me.

  5. The Living Muesuem was heqtic in there. And big thank you to Owen, Andrew, Tiiu, Ray and Shauna, and also Kate for taking the pictures of the Living Mueseum. This is a big memorie of 2014 Living Mueseum.

  6. I really liked doing the living museum, but I found it a bit long.

    1. I also really like the pictures.

  7. My favorite part of the living museum was answering the visitors questions about our project!

  8. my project was with wyatt thats me and josh and we were doing warfare comparison we had fun and we are looking forwerd to next years living museum.

  9. I think it was a great learning experience for the younger students that came to the living museum. But I think I could do better.

  10. I really enjoy the pictures.I had a blast!

  11. I think the living museum was very fun and we should do it tow times a year

  12. Thank you Owen,Andrew,Ray,Tiiu and shauna for letting us work on the living museum during our class time and let this wonderful thing to happen. I also loved it, I thought it was great and fun, I certainly learned a lot.

  13. thanks Owen it was really fun

  14. Thank you Owen,Andrew,Ray,Tiiu and shauna for letting us work on the living museum during our class time and let this wonderful thing happen. I also loved it, I thought it was great and fun, I certainly learned a lot.

  15. I had so much fun doing the living museum and I am looking forward to next year.
    Thanks Owen!

  16. This will always be a wonderful memorie and I know next year because I was in an accident, so next year (2015) I'll be in it!!!

  17. I liked dressing up as a jester.

    I liked showing the pictures of medieval instruments and the Beatles instruments.

    Good job every body!

  18. It was fun lerned a lot it is awesome.

  19. I'm sorry i missed but for the people who were there i am very proud of what they had done.

  20. I'm sad the living museum over.
