Sunday, 23 February 2014

Study Jams

Today in class we took some time to look at a great resource for reviewing some multiplication facts at home. Understanding multiplication really makes understanding factors much simpler.

Looking at FACTORS

This is a wonderful video to help explain the concept of factors. After beginning to look at decimals last week we will be starting to look at fractions. Understanding factors makes fractions SO much easier to grasp.

Finding factors of a number: Finding Factors of a Number

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

symmetry game

test out your knowledge of symmetry with this little game

Stop Motion Movie Madness

Take a look at some of these amazing stop motion films to get inspired for our own stop motion.

Post a comment below telling us what you liked about the videos and why you like it!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Living Museum 2014 -

This year's Living Museum was very successful. Last Thursday, January 30th, the students from grades 4, 5 and 6 turned the gym into a time machine to teach people about how our characters lived in societies of the past. All of the students were very engaged and clearly learned a great deal of information about their topics.

Each group had a board with information and images of their subjects. As well, students dressed up in character to teach audiences about different time periods.

Participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and our visitors seemed VERY impressed. Our class is already looking forward to next year!

Below you can find a link to Kate Settle's photos of the museum as well as some other photos below.
Kate's Dropbox photos