We have been working hard on our times tables, and we have just begun to multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We started using this template in order to break our answers apart into ones and tens. The template also helps to keep our work organized. We fill the forth row with the product of our ones x our number being multiplied. In the fifth row, we write the product of our tens and our number. The sixth line is where we write the sum of those two answers.
This chart takes a little getting used to, however, it seems to help many students break down the process of multiplication. Try to solve a question with your families at home and explore how this chart works.
Example 1: 26 x 3
This chart takes a little getting used to, however, it seems to help many students break down the process of multiplication. Try to solve a question with your families at home and explore how this chart works.
Example 1: 26 x 3
Empty Template: Product less than 100
Empty Template: Product greater than 100
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