Friday, 13 December 2013

Rogers Sing!

This Sunday the Churchill School of Rock, Ukulele Club and Strings we be shown on Rogers cable 22 at 7:00pm on Sunday evening. This will be the last showing so tune in if you can!

We are hoping to get a copy here at the school to watch as a group. 

On the topic of singing, next week the classes will be participating in the annual sing along sharings in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend the grand finale sharing on Thursday at 1:00. The ukulele club and guitar club will be playing a few songs on Thursday. 


Thursday, 12 December 2013

Multiplication Template

We have been working hard on our times tables, and we have just begun to multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We started using this template in order to break our answers apart into ones and tens. The template also helps to keep our work organized. We fill the forth row with the product of our ones x our number being multiplied. In the fifth row, we write the product of our tens and our number. The sixth line is where we write the sum of those two answers.

This chart takes a little getting used to, however, it seems to help many students break down the process of multiplication. Try to solve a question with your families at home and explore how this chart works.

Example 1: 26 x 3





Empty Template: Product less than 100





Empty Template: Product greater than 100





Hour of Code - Look at the new total!

So today we will completing our hour of code. Watch the tutorial video and then follow the steps to start your coding!

Feel free to work with a friend to try to solve some of the more challenging codes.


Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Hour of Code

This Thursday we will be heading to the computer lab for a special challenge. As a class, we will be taking part in a Computer Science Education Week initiative called The Hour of Code.

We will be joining forces with the over 5,500,000 students who have already learned how to program computer code. Watch the video below to learn more and to get excited about Thursday's challenge.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Interactive hundreds chart

So we have jumped into multiplication in class and it seems to be going really well. We spent some time last week getting our Precision Math up and running and talking about some of the tricks we can use to remember some of the harder multiplication facts. Here is a link to that helpful interactive hundreds chart that we used in class on Friday.

After trying to find some of the patterns that we looked at in class, try out your multiplication facts with this fun game that tests how quickly you can recall your times tables.