Monday, 28 April 2014

Kids Health

Today in the lab we will be taking another look at a great website that answers all kinds of questions about how kids can stay healthy. You will use this website to answer the questions that have been sent to you on the Drive as a Google Form.

After completing your form, you can return to the blog and continue on to the online measurement games posted below.

Measurement games

In order to get more comfortable with our different units of measurement, take some time to explore these great online measurement games.

Given the fact that we have started our measurement unit with Linear Measurement, be sure to start with Metric Length and Ruler Game- Metric.

Stop Motion

We had such a great time on Thursday at our Stop Motion Film Festival.  For those of you who were not able to see the film at the Mayfair or at Nepean, here is a link to see the video from the comfort of your own home!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Simplifying Fractions Video

Today in the lab you will start by watching this great video on simplifying fractions. After you have watched the video, you can continue to complete the fractions activities on IXL. At 10:55 you can choose to keep working on IXL or you can spend some time on typing web.

Fractions in lowest terms: Fractions in lowest terms